
Showing posts from October 9, 2015

Importance of drawing

Have you ever draw something that you have in your mind? Drawing is something innate in me, and while I was growing up I learn how important that it should be in someone’s life. In this page, I am going to discuss positive aspect of drawing base on my own experience of using it to express feelings, send messages and relieve stress. Drawing has great value that express strong feeling. I use drawing to describe my objectives and express my emotions by drawing things that are related to my short and long term goal in college. When I was in the US, in my bedroom there were a lot of pictures on the wall. They were just like the sing light in the streets there roles were to remind me why I was in the USA. I also used drawing to illustrate my journals. I drew Images which appropriate to my writings especially for English class in order to memorize them. Drawing can be interpreted in different ways and use to transmit messages. I draw pictures about me which can help people to unde...