The Biographer's biography

Louis, Dieuseul
Louis is well known as a dedicated leader of positive change from his community. He was born and grew up in Thomassin, Pétion Ville, Haiti, and graduated from College Baptiste Fermathe (CBF). During his time in college he was the president of Philo “Intellect” cycle (2011-2012) and he helped with leading, planning and organizing school activities including graduation and championship interclass). He moved to Oregon (a green state, according to him the best place to study the environment) to study Natural Resources at Mt Hood CommunityCollege (MHCC) for two years. Currently Louis is a leader for SEED Cross Cultural, Committee and English Conversation Club to help new students learn English.
He is a borderless individual who has collaborated with several international organizations, including the City of Gresham, METRO and Sandy River Basin Watershed Council to develop projects that help people in a global sense, developing better environmental stability.

Louis is committed to returning to Haiti this year to dedicate himself to upholding the development for his country. He is skilled in program management and project development with expertise in nonprofit administration. 
He intends to implement a project called "Pépinière à Thomassin," which aims to reintroduce and maintain the native vegetation that has steadily been lost in his community. Also he intends to provide training to all participants in the nursery techniques and micro-gardening which will help reforest Thomassin, improve air quality, reduce heat island effect, and erosion and water scarcity.

The reason he feels so comfortable in this role is that he knows that this wonderful opportunity and the education will definitely help him in his future career. He is fully capable and interested in everything that he will learn within this class “ETX36 Sustainable Engineering”, such as, Nursery techniques, Landscape Architecture, Permaculture, Aquaculture, Soil, Compost, restoration sites etc.

"Be your Dream"


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